
Long-term functioning of a species-rich mountain meadow under different management regimes

  • Published source details Masková Z., Doležal J., Květ J. & Zemek F. (2009) Long-term functioning of a species-rich mountain meadow under different management regimes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 132, 192-202.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Maintain species-rich, semi-natural grassland

Action Link
Farmland Conservation
  1. Maintain species-rich, semi-natural grassland

    An unreplicated trial in 1996-2007 on a species-rich mountain meadow in the Bohemian Forest Mountains, Czech Republic (Maskova et al. 2009) found that mulching once a year in July produced a greater number of plant species, and a greater proportion of broadleaved plants (forbs), than traditional mowing once a year in July (without mulching) or abandonment. Mulching promoted many short broadleaved plants, grasses and graminoids, which were suppressed in the fallow treatment by an increasing share of tall grasses. The study concluded that mulching may be a viable alternative for preventing succession in situations where regular mowing is not economically or technically feasible. Treatments were applied from 1996 in 50 x 100 m plots. Plant species composition was measured each year shortly before mowing or mulching (June/July) in five 1 m2 quadrats/plot. Aboveground plant biomass and litter (harvested from four 0.33 x 0.33 m subplots/plot) and belowground plant biomass (to 15 cm depth in four 0.15 x 0.15 m subplots/plot) were also measured.


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