Wetland features that influence occupancy by the endangered Hawaiian duck
Published source details
Uyehara K.J., Engilis A. Jr. & Dugger B.D. (2008) Wetland features that influence occupancy by the endangered Hawaiian duck. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology (formerly The Wilson Bulletin), 120, 311-319.
Published source details Uyehara K.J., Engilis A. Jr. & Dugger B.D. (2008) Wetland features that influence occupancy by the endangered Hawaiian duck. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology (formerly The Wilson Bulletin), 120, 311-319.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Restore or create inland wetlands Action Link |
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Restore or create inland wetlands
A replicated, site comparison study from March 2002 to July 2003 in wetlands in Kohala-Mauna Kea, Hawai’i (Uyehara et al. 2008) found that Hawaiian ducks Anas wyvilliana used 16 restored wetlands more often than 32 agricultural wetlands, despite the greater availability of the latter. Restored wetlands had a significantly higher occupancy rate than agricultural wetlands (81 vs. 41% of sampled sites) and higher consistency of occupancy (13 vs. 7% of all surveys). Hawaiian ducks preferred wetlands that were larger (>0.23 ha), further from houses and surrounded by more wetland habitat. No wetland within 600 m of a house was occupied. Wetland occupancy was not affected by presence of invasive species or grazing intensity. Wetlands ranged from 0.01-1.30 ha and were surveyed every two months.
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