
The reintroduction of the Andean condor into Colombia, South America: 1989-1991

  • Published source details Lieberman A., Rodriguez J.V., Paez J.M. & Wiley J. (1993) The reintroduction of the Andean condor into Colombia, South America: 1989-1991. Oryx, 27, 83-90.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Release captive-bred individuals into the wild to restore or augment wild populations of vultures

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Bird Conservation
  1. Release captive-bred individuals into the wild to restore or augment wild populations of vultures

    A replicated study of a reintroduction programme for Andean condors Vultur gryphus found that 19 of the 22 birds released at Páramo sites in the Colombian Andes between 1989 and 1992 were alive in 1993 (Lieberman et al. 1993). This represents an increase of almost 100% on the previous Colombian population, estimated at ten pairs. The three birds that died did not appear to be affected by human activity. Releases were at three sites, using birds bred in zoos in the USA, with acclimatisation periods of between 17 and 103 days. After releases, food was provided irregularly at multiple sites (to encourage birds to search for carrion). Birds ranged over nearly 200 km2 over two years, which is less than ranges for reintroduced condors in arid habitats in Peru.


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