Effects of spring and autumn fires on the composition of Chionochloa rigida tussock grassland, New Zealand
Published source details
Allen R.B & Partridge T.R. (1988) Effects of spring and autumn fires on the composition of Chionochloa rigida tussock grassland, New Zealand. Vegetatio (now Plant Ecology), 37-44.
Published source details Allen R.B & Partridge T.R. (1988) Effects of spring and autumn fires on the composition of Chionochloa rigida tussock grassland, New Zealand. Vegetatio (now Plant Ecology), 37-44.
Both burnt areas had similar plant species cover and composition prior to burning (C.rigida snow tussock dominated with much New Zealand flax Phormium cookianum). Species cover and frequency were recorded in October 1977 (19 and 13 months after the fires) andin summer 1985-86. Five 30 m transects within an area approximately 150 x 100 m on each burn site were established. Twenty 1.5 x 1.5 m quadrats were placed along each transect, within which vascular plants, litter, bare soil, rock and cryptogams (mosses, liverworts and lichens), and frequency of vascular plants, was recorded.
Note: If using or referring to this published study, please read and quote the original paper, this can be viewed at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/v90350p277144446/fulltext.pdf
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