Suggested measures for the protection of wildlife when constructing shipping canals and inland waterways
Published source details
Schneider V.E. & Waffel H.H. (1978) Vorschläge zu Schutzmaßnahmen für Wildtiere beim Ausbau von Schiffahrtskanälen und kanalisierten Binnenwasserstraßen. Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft, 24, 72-88.
Published source details Schneider V.E. & Waffel H.H. (1978) Vorschläge zu Schutzmaßnahmen für Wildtiere beim Ausbau von Schiffahrtskanälen und kanalisierten Binnenwasserstraßen. Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft, 24, 72-88.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
Action | Category | |
Provide mammals with escape routes from canals Action Link |
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Provide mammals with escape routes from canals
A study (year not stated) in a swimming pool and on a stretch of a canal in Lower Saxony, Germany (Schneider & Waffel 1978) found that a platform was used by at least five mammal species to exit water and both metal ramps and vegetated islands by at least two species Roe deer Capreolus capreolus, red deer Cervus elaphus, wild boar Sus scrofa, red foxes Vulpes vulpes and badgers Meles meles used timber platforms to exit from waterways. Rabbits Oryctolagus cunniculus and hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus used a ramp covered with meshed metal to exit from waterways. Red foxes and badgers used vegetated islands to leave water. Timber platforms were tested by releasing medium-sized (e.g. foxes) and large mammals (e.g. deer) into a swimming pool, and guiding them to a platform. A ramp covered with meshed metal was tested for small mammals (e.g. rabbits) and a 'vegetated island' (4.5 m × 2.5 m; 1.5 m above water level) was tested for deer, badgers and foxes. The vegetated island comprised timber beams 'planted' with leafy branches either fixed to the bank or anchored in the middle of a steep-banked stretch of canal.
(Summarised by: Ricardo Rocha)
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