Mortality of silver eels migrating through different types of hydropower turbines in Lithuania
Published source details
Dainys J., Stakėnas S., Gorfine H. & Ložys L. (2018) Mortality of silver eels migrating through different types of hydropower turbines in Lithuania. River Research and Applications, 34, 52-59.
Published source details Dainys J., Stakėnas S., Gorfine H. & Ložys L. (2018) Mortality of silver eels migrating through different types of hydropower turbines in Lithuania. River Research and Applications, 34, 52-59.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
Action | Category | |
Install fish passes (type not specified) Action Link |
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Install fish passes (type not specified)
A study (year not stated) in a river in Lithuania (Dainys et al. 2018) found that an unspecified upstream fish pass at a hydropower station was used by one-third of silver European eels Anguilla anguilla during downstream migration, and eels that used the fish pass were larger than those that passed through the turbine. During one night, 22 of 64 tagged silver eels (34%) used the fish pass, whereas 42 eels (66%) passed through the turbine. Twenty-two of the 42 eels (52%) that passed through the turbine sustained lethal injuries. On average, eels passing through the fish pass were larger (length: 72 cm, weight: 681 g) than those passing through the turbine (66 cm, 476 g). The fish pass was constructed for upstream migration of salmonids at a small hydropower station with one turbine. Sixty-four silver eels captured upstream of the power station in fyke nets were tagged and released, 0.8 km upstream of the hydropower station. Tagged eels were recaptured in fyke nets at the turbine outflow and below the fish pass after passing through or around the power station during one night (date not reported).
(Summarised by: Anna Berthinussen)
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