The impact of an introduced avian predator, the barn owl Tyto alba, on Hawaiian seabirds
Published source details
Raine A.F., Vynne M. & Driskill S. (2019) The impact of an introduced avian predator, the barn owl Tyto alba, on Hawaiian seabirds. Marine Ornithology, 47, 33-38.
Published source details Raine A.F., Vynne M. & Driskill S. (2019) The impact of an introduced avian predator, the barn owl Tyto alba, on Hawaiian seabirds. Marine Ornithology, 47, 33-38.
Control avian predators on islands
A before-and-after study in 2011–2018 on Lehua Islet, Hawaii, USA (Raine et al. 2019) found that after controlling alien barn owls Tyto alba, the number of seabirds killed by barn owls decreased. More seabirds were killed before control operations began (49 birds/survey) than during (7 birds/survey) or after (10 birds/survey) control operations. Between May 2015 and October 2016, eleven barn owls were shot on Lehua Islet (1.1 km2). This reduced but did not eradicate the population. Fifteen surveys were carried out between 2011 and 2018: four before shooting began, five during and six after. The level of effort in each survey is not clearly reported. Depredated seabirds (mostly wedge-tailed shearwaters Ardenna pacifica and black noddy Anous minutus) were identified from carcasses and owl pellets.
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