
Larval settlement preferences and post-settlement survival of the threatened Caribbean corals Acropora palmata and A. cervicornis

  • Published source details Ritson-Williams R., Paul V.J., Arnold S.N. & Steneck R.S. (2010) Larval settlement preferences and post-settlement survival of the threatened Caribbean corals Acropora palmata and A. cervicornis. Coral Reefs, 29, 71-81.


This study is summarised as evidence for the following.

Action Category

Cultivate coral larvae in an artificial nursery located in a natural habitat

Action Link
Coral Conservation

Cultivate corals in an ex-situ nursery

Action Link
Coral Conservation
  1. Cultivate coral larvae in an artificial nursery located in a natural habitat

    A replicated study in 2008 at an artificial nursery on a coral reef in South Water Cay, Belize (Ritson-Williams et al. 2010) found that some elkhorn coral Acropora palmata and staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis spat (settled larvae) transplanted onto coralline algae fragments attached to tiles survived, but survival of staghorn coral depended on the coralline algae species used. After six weeks, on average, similar percentages of elkhorn coral spat survived on fragments of Hydrolithon boergesenii (17%) and Titanoderma prototypum (19%). For staghorn coral, 13% of spat survived on Titanoderma prototypum fragments and no spat survived on Hydrolithon boergesenii fragments. In August 2008, wild-collected elkhorn and staghorn coral egg/sperm bundles were cross-fertilized in a laboratory. Larvae were settled on fragments (1 × 1 cm) of two coralline algae species. For each coral species, 1–2 fragments of Hydrolithon boergesenii and Titanoderma prototypum, each with 1–5 spat, were attached to 14–15 terracotta tiles (10 × 10 cm) using underwater epoxy. Tiles were bolted face down on a reef (3-m deep), with a 2-cm gap between the tile and reef. After six weeks, all tiles were retrieved, and proportions of surviving spat recorded using a dissecting microscope.

    (Summarised by: Anna Berthinussen)

  2. Cultivate corals in an ex-situ nursery

    A replicated, randomized study in 2008 at a laboratory at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize (Ritson-Williams et al. 2010) found that some five- and seven-day old elkhorn coral Acropora palmata and staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis larvae settled in containers, and settlement rates of seven-day old elkhorn coral larvae were higher in containers containing coralline algae Hydrolithon boergesenii than in containers with three other coralline algae species or coral skeletons. Seven-day old elkhorn coral larvae had higher average settlement rates in containers with Hydrolithon boergesenii fragments (81%) than in containers with fragments of Paragoniolithon solubile (46%), Porolithon pachydermum (39%), Titanoderma prototypum (34%) or staghorn coral skeleton (52%). Settlement rates of five-day old elkhorn coral larvae (17–23%) and five-day old staghorn coral larvae (17–21%) did not differ significantly between the five treatments. In August 2008, wild-collected elkhorn and staghorn coral egg/sperm bundles were cross-fertilized in a laboratory. Five and seven-day old elkhorn coral larvae and five-day old staghorn coral larvae were placed in wells in culture plates or petri dishes (10–20 larvae/container) with fragments of one of four coralline algae species or a fragment of elkhorn coral skeleton (15 containers/treatment). Larave settlement was recorded after 24 h.

    (Summarised by: Anna Berthinussen)

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