Success of mass culture of Acropora corals from egg to colony in open water
Published source details
Omori M. (2005) Success of mass culture of Acropora corals from egg to colony in open water. Coral Reefs, 24, 563-563.
Published source details Omori M. (2005) Success of mass culture of Acropora corals from egg to colony in open water. Coral Reefs, 24, 563-563.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
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Cultivate coral larvae in an artificial nursery located in a natural habitat Action Link |
Cultivate coral larvae in an artificial nursery located in a natural habitat
A replicated, controlled study in 2004–2005 at an artificial coral nursery in a natural habitat at Akajima Island, Okinawa, Japan (Omori 2005) reported that stony coral Acropora tenuis polyps cultivated on settlement tiles in cages containing juvenile top shell snails Trochus niloticus survived longer than polyps cultivated in cages without top shells. Nine months after settlement, 10–39 polyps on each settlement tile in cages with juvenile top shells had grown to ~40 mm diameter whereas all polyps in cages without top shells died within four months of settlement (no statistical analysis carried out). Settlement plates in the cages without top shells were observed covered in algae, sponges, hydroids and sea squirts. In June 2004, stony coral Acropora tenuis polyps were attached to concrete 10 cm2 settlement tiles. Tiles were placed into plastic cages (number not reported) that also contained juvenile top shell snails. A control cage was prepared containing stony coral polyps on settlement tiles without top shells. Cages were suspended 2 m above the seafloor at a depth of 3.4 m. No information on sample sizes, sampling method and frequency was reported.
(Summarised by: Ann Thornton)
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