Threatened herbivorous insects maintained by long-term traditional management practices in semi-natural grasslands
Published source details
Uchida K., Takahashi S., Shinohara T. & Ushimaru A. (2016) Threatened herbivorous insects maintained by long-term traditional management practices in semi-natural grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 221, 156-162.
Published source details Uchida K., Takahashi S., Shinohara T. & Ushimaru A. (2016) Threatened herbivorous insects maintained by long-term traditional management practices in semi-natural grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 221, 156-162.
This study is summarised as evidence for the following.
Action | Category | |
Use rotational mowing Action Link |
Cease mowing on grassland to allow early succession Action Link |
Use rotational burning Action Link |
Use rotational mowing
A replicated, site comparison study in 2012–2013 in 12 semi-natural grasslands in Nagano Prefecture, Japan (Uchida et al. 2016) found that meadows managed by traditional rotational mowing and burning had a higher species richness and diversity of butterflies than annually mown, annually burned or abandoned meadows. In rotationally managed meadows, the diversity and species richness of threatened (6–7 species/meadow) and common (10–12 species/meadow) butterflies was higher than in annually mown (threatened: 3; common: 4 species/meadow), annually burned (threatened: 2–3; common: 6 species/meadow) or abandoned meadows (threatened: 1–2; common: 1–2 species/meadow) (diversity data presented as model results). Three meadows were managed traditionally: each year half of the meadow was burned in April and mown in September, while the other half was unmanaged, and management rotated each year. An additional three meadows had been mown annually in April or August for 8–9 years, three meadows had been burned annually for 7–13 years and three meadows had been abandoned (unmanaged) for 6–13 years. From May–September 2012–2013, butterflies were surveyed monthly on three 5 × 30 m plots/meadow.
(Summarised by: Andrew Bladon)
Cease mowing on grassland to allow early succession
A replicated, site comparison study in 2012–2013 in 12 semi-natural grasslands in Nagano Prefecture, Japan (Uchida et al. 2016) found that abandoned meadows had a lower species richness and diversity of butterflies than meadows managed by traditional rotational burning and mowing. In abandoned meadows, the diversity and species richness of threatened (1–2 species/meadow) and common (1–2 species/meadow) butterflies was lower than in rotationally managed meadows (threatened: 6–7; common: 10–12 species/meadow), but similar to annually mown (threatened: 3; common: 4 species/meadow) and annually burned meadows (threatened: 2–3; common: 6 species/meadow) (diversity data presented as model results). Three meadows had been abandoned (unmanaged) for 6–13 years. Three meadows were managed traditionally: each year half of the meadow was burned in April and mown in September, while the other half was unmanaged, and management rotated each year. An additional three meadows had been mown annually in April or August for 8–9 years and three meadows had been burned annually for 7–13 years. From May–September 2012–2013, butterflies were surveyed monthly on three 5 × 30 m plots/meadow.
(Summarised by: Andrew Bladon)
Use rotational burning
A replicated, site comparison study in 2012–2013 in 12 semi-natural grasslands in Nagano Prefecture, Japan (Uchida et al. 2016) found that meadows managed by traditional rotational burning and mowing had a higher species richness and diversity of butterflies than annually burned, annually mown or abandoned meadows. In rotationally managed meadows, the diversity and species richness of threatened (6–7 species/meadow) and common (10–12 species/meadow) butterflies was higher than in annually burned (threatened: 2–3; common: 6 species/meadow), annually mown (threatened: 3; common: 4 species/meadow) or abandoned meadows (threatened: 1–2; common: 1–2 species/meadow) (diversity data presented as model results). Three meadows were managed traditionally: each year half of the meadow was burned in April and mown in September, while the other half was unmanaged, and management rotated each year. An additional three meadows had been burned annually for 7–13 years, three meadows had been mown annually in April or August for 8–9 years and three meadows had been abandoned (unmanaged) for 6–13 years. From May–September 2012–2013, butterflies were surveyed monthly on three 5 × 30 m plots/meadow.
(Summarised by: Andrew Bladon)
Output references