Captive husbandry and management of the Rio Fuerte beaded lizard Heloderma exasperatum
Published source details
Radovanovic A. (2014) Captive husbandry and management of the Rio Fuerte beaded lizard Heloderma exasperatum. The Herpetological Bulletin, 130, 6-8.
Published source details Radovanovic A. (2014) Captive husbandry and management of the Rio Fuerte beaded lizard Heloderma exasperatum. The Herpetological Bulletin, 130, 6-8.
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Breed reptiles in captivity: Lizards
A study in 2011–2013 in a captive setting in the UK (Radovanovic 2014) reported that a pair of Rio Fuerte beaded lizards Heloderma exasperatum bred successfully in captivity. One female beaded lizard produced eight eggs in captivity, four of which hatched successfully. From the four eggs that were not successful, one hatchling died during emergence, one died during development, and two were infertile. In 2011, a pair of adult beaded lizards were introduced into an enclosure (3 x 1.5 x 1.5 m) that contained a substrate of sand and sphagnum moss blocks Sphagnum spp. and a range of rocks, branches and plants. Temperatures ranged from 35–40°C in a basking area, and 17–20°C in the rest of the enclosure, and 2 L of water was sprayed each day to increase humidity. Eggs were left to incubate in the enclosure and hatchlings were weighed and moved to separate containers (35 x 20 x 16 cm).
(Summarised by: William Morgan)
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