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Study | Published | Actions | |
The use of ploughing, scarification and rotovation to manage perennial knawel Scleranthus perennis prostratus in the Brecklands of north Suffolk, England Based on: Leonard Y. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 0 | |
Furrow ploughing and grazing to manage perennial knawel Scleranthus perennis prostratus habitat in the Brecklands of north Suffolk, England Based on: Leonard Y. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 0 | |
The use of ground disturbance techniques to manage perennial knawel Scleranthus perennis prostratus in the Brecklands of north Suffolk, England Based on: Leonard Y. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 0 | |
Soil disturbance and seedling transplanting as a method of reintroduction of perennial knawel Scleranthus perennis at Icklingham, Suffolk, England Based on: Leonard Y. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 0 | |
Reintroduction of perennial knawel Scleranthus perennis prostratus to sheep-grazed grassheath at West Stow, Suffolk, England Based on: Leonard Y. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 0 | |
Reintroduction of perennial knawel Scleranthus perennis prostratus to a site in the Brecklands of north Suffolk, England Based on: Leonard Y. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 0 | |
Reintroduction of perennial knawel Scleranthus perennis along a conservation path at Santon Downham, Suffolk, England Based on: Leonard Y. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 0 | |
Reintroduction of perennial knawel Scleranthus perennis prostratus to Thetford National Nature Reserve, Norfolk, England Based on: Leonard Y. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 0 | |
Translocation of wild Laysan duck Anas laysanensis to establish a population at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, United States and US Pacific Possession Based on: Reynolds M. & Klavitter J. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 1 | |
Establishing a new wild population of tuatara (Sphenodon guntheri) Based on: Nelson J. N., Keall S. N., Brown D. & Daugherty C. H. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | 2 | |
Effects of removing the litter and humic layers on heathland establishment following plantation removal Based on: Allison M. & Ausden M. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 2 | |
Eradicating introduced mammals from a forested tropical island Based on: RodrÃguez C., Torres R. & Drummond H. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 2 | |
Post-fire vegetation change and bird use of a salt marsh in coastal Argentina Based on: Isacch J.P., Holz S., Ricci L. & Martinez M.M. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | 1 | |
A practical technique for non-destructive monitoring of soil surface invertebrates for ecological restoration programmes Based on: Bowie M.H. & Frampton C.M. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | 0 | |
Population recovery following differential harvesting of Allium tricoccum Ait. in the southern Appalachians Based on: Rock J.H., Beckage B. & Gross L.J. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | 0 | |
Effectiveness of different conservation measures for loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests at Zakynthos Island, Greece Based on: Kornaraki E., Matossian D.A., Mazaris A.D., Matsinos Y.G. & Margaritoulis D. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 3 | |
Cross-fostering in coyotes: evaluation of a potential conservation and research tool for canids Based on: Kitchen A.M. & Knowlton F.F. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 1 | |
The release of captive-bred pink pigeons Columba mayeri in native forest on Mauritius. A progress report July 1987-June 1992 Based on: Jones C. G., Swinnerton K. J., Taylor C. J. & Mungroo Y. (1992). Study Link |
1992 | 5 | |
Microhabitat use by a translocated population of St. Lucia whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus vanzoi) Based on: Dickinson H.C., Fa J.E. & Lenton S.M. (2001). Study Link |
2001 | 1 | |
Determining the cause of hen harrier decline on the Orkney Islands: an experimental test of two hypothesis Based on: Amar A. & Redpath S.M. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | 4 | |
Rat control and breeding performance in Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea): effects of poisoning effort and habitat features Based on: Igual J.M., Forero M.G., Gomez T., Orueta J.F. & Oro D. (2005). Study Link |
2005 | 1 | |
Survival of very small macropod pouch young following short-term isolation from the pouch at various environmental temperatures Based on: Taggart D.A., Shimmin G.E., Underwood G. & Phillips K. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | 0 | |
Translocation as a conservation tool: site fidelity and movement of repatriated gopher tortoises (Gopherus plyphemus) Based on: Tuberville T.D., Clark E.E., Buhlmann K.A., Gibbons J.W.,, & (2005). Study Link |
2005 | 2 | |
The hand-rearing of an abandoned Bermuda petrel Pterodroma cahow chick from Nonsuch Island, Bermuda Based on: Raine A.F. & Abernethy K.E. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 1 | |
Helping reintroduced houbara bustards avoid predation: effective anti-predator training and the predictive value of pre-release behaviour Based on: van Heezik Y., Seddon P.J. & Maloney R.F. (1999). Study Link |
1999 | 2 |
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