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8856 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
Effects of mowing on the composition of Baltic salt-meadow communities Based on: Vestergaard P. (1985). Study Link |
1985 | |
An experimental assessment of buffer width: implications for salamander migratory behavior Based on: Veysey J.S., Babbitt K.J. & Cooper A. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
Effects of four tillage systems on soil structure and soil microbial biomass in organic farming Based on: Vian J. F., Peigne J., Chaussod R. & Roger-Estrade J. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
Evaluation of by-catch reduction devices for use in the artisanal pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus paulensis) fishery in Patos Lagoon, Brazil Based on: Vianna M. & D’Incao F. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | |
Soil carbon sequestration rates under Mediterranean woody crops using recommended management practices: a meta-analysis Based on: Vicente-Vicente J.L., García-Ruiz R., Francaviglia R., Aguilera E. & Smith P. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | |
The effects of different pesticide regimes on the invertebrate fauna of winter wheat Based on: Vickerman G. (1992) Pesticides, cereal farming and the environment: the Boxworth project, HMSO MAFF, 82-109. Study Link |
1992 | |
The arthropod fauna of undersown grass and cereal fields Based on: Vickerman G.P. (1978). Study Link |
1978 | |
The role of agri-environment schemes and farm management practices in reversing the decline of farmland birds in England Based on: Vickery J.A., Bradbury R.B., Henderson I.G., Eaton M.A. & Grice P.V. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
Arable field margins managed for biodiversity conservation: a review of food resource provision for farmland birds Based on: Vickery J.A., Feber R.E. & Fuller R.J. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
The management of grass pastures for brent geese Based on: Vickery J.A., Sutherland W.J. & Lane S.J. (1994). Study Link |
1994 | |
Effects of the size of prescribed fire on insect predation of northern blazing star, a rare grassland perennial Based on: Vickery P.D. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | |
Abundance, use of space, and activity patterns of white-faced sakis (Pithecia pithecia) in French Guiana Based on: Vié J., Richard-Hansen C. & Fournier-Chambrillon C. (2001). Study Link |
2001 | |
The effect of agri-environmental schemes on species richness of bumble bees Based on: Viik E., Mänd M., Karise R., Koskor E., Jõgar K., Kevväi R., Martin A. & Grishakova M. (2007) Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture, 145-148. Study Link |
2007 | |
Predator identification and effects of habitat management and fencing on depredation rates of simulated nests of an endangered population of Hermann’s tortoises Based on: Vilardell A., Capalleras X., Budó J. & Pons P. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Test of the efficacy of two chemical repellents in the control of Hermann's tortoise nest predation Based on: Vilardell A., Capalleras X., Budó J., Molist F. & Pons P. (2008). Study Link |
2008 | |
Knowledge of habitat preferences applied to habitat management: the case of an endangered tortoise population Based on: Vilardell-Bartino A., Capalleras X., Budó J., Bosch R. & Pons P. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
The predation of farmed salmon by South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) in southern Chile Based on: Vilata J., Olivia D. & Sepulveda M. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
Disperse or die: Colonisation of transient open habitats in production forests is only weakly dispersal-limited in butterflies Based on: Viljur M.L. & Teder T. (2018). Study Link |
2018 | |
First report of in situ survival of laboratory-reared offspring of the threatened species Dendrogyra cylindrus in the Caribbean Based on: Villalpando M.F., Croquer A. & Sellares-Blasco R.I. (2021). Study Link |
2021 | |
Do dry ledges reduce the barrier effect of roads? Based on: Villalva P., Reto D., Santos-Reis M., Revilla E. & Grilo C. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Species, trophic, and functional diversity in marine protected and non-protected areas Based on: Villamor A. & Becerro M.A. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Enhancement of grazing gastropod populations as a coral reef restoration tool: Predation effects and related applied implications Based on: Villanueva R.D., Edwards A.J. & Bell J.D. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
There is no place like home: high homing rate and increased mortality after translocation of a small mammal Based on: Villaseñor N., Escobar M.H. & Estades C. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Testing restocking methods for an endangered species: effects of predator exclusion and vegetation cover on common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) survival and reproduction Based on: Villemey A., Besnard A., Grandadam J. & Eidenschenck J. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Migration of wild and captive-bred little bustards Tetrax tetrax: releasing birds from Spain threatens attempts to conserve declining French populations Based on: Villers A., Millon A., Jiguet F., Lett J.-M., Attie C., Morales M.B. & Bretagnolle V. (2010). Study Link |
2010 |
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