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8856 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
Reduced mowing frequencies increase pollinator abundance in urban lawns in the UK Based on: Morrison M.A., Bright A. & Brown M.J.F. (2025). Study Link |
2025 | |
Sampling of red grouse carcasses in Britain indicates no progress during an intended five-year voluntary transition from lead to non-lead shotgun ammunition Based on: Green R.E., Taggart M.A., Pain D.J., Cakin I., Clark N.A., Cromie R., Greenwood L., Guiu M., Porter R., Smith K.W., Smith L. & Wilson J.D. (2025). Study Link |
2025 | |
Conservation management of an abandoned copra plantation at Palmyra Atoll, Northern Line Islands, Pacific Ocean Based on: Franklin K., Khalsa M., Hunter S., Kropidlowski S., Carr P. & Wegmann A. (2024). Study Link |
2024 | |
Outcomes from monitoring the fourth year of a five-year voluntary transition from hunting with lead to non-lead shotgun ammunition in Britain Based on: Green R.E., Taggart M.A., Pain D.J., Clark N.A., Clewley L., Cromie R., Dodd S.G., Huntley B., Huntley J., Leslie R., Porter R., Price M., Robinson J.A., Robinson R.A., Sinclair M.J., Smith K.W., Smith L., Spencer J. & Stroud D. (2024). Study Link |
2024 | |
Lightweight den boxes enhance habitat for pine martens Martes martes in a conifer plantation in south-west Scotland Based on: Croose E., Martin J., Johnstone S. & Birks J.D.S. (2024). Study Link |
2024 | |
Exclusion of barn owls Tyto alba from a greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum roost in Devon, UK Based on: Bollo Palacios M., Kitching T., Wright P.G.R., Schofield H. & Glover A. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
The effect of prescribed burning on Pulsatilla vernalis at Marma military training area in Sweden Based on: Hagström C., Löfgren T., Lindquist I., Forslund M. & Jandér K.C. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Voluntary transition by hunters and game meat suppliers from lead to non-lead shotgun ammunition: changes in practice after three years Based on: Green R.E., Taggart M.A., Pain D.J., Clark N.A., Clewley L., Cromie R., Green R.M.W., Giui M., Huntley B., Huntley J., Leslie R., Porter R., Roberts J., Robinson J.A., Robinson R.A., Sheldon R., Smith K.W., Smith L., Spencer J. & Stroud D. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Artificial lighting technologies to support aquatic plants in rivers which are shaded by bridges and culverts Based on: Fleming S.D., House T.M., Boyd J.D., Lister J.D., Lavelle A.M. & German S.E. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Effectiveness of different nursery designs for the restoration of the threatened coral Acropora cervicornis in Culebra, Puerto Rico Based on: Aponte-Marcano P.I., Suleimán-Ramos S.E. & Mercado-Molina A.E. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Effectiveness of regulations intended to reduce the use of lead shotgun ammunition in and over coastal intertidal and riparian habitats in Scotland Based on: Green R.E., Goater R., Hodgson D., Lang I., Orr-Ewing D.C., Pickett D. & Swann B. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Perennial plant recovery after the removal of invasive Pinus halepensis in coastal habitats in Cádiz, southern Spain Based on: García-de-Lomas J., Rendón J.L., Pacheco M.J., Riches Z.O.V. & López J.M. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Timing is everything; operational changes at a pumping station with a gravity sluice to provide safe downstream passage for silver European eels and deliver considerable financial savings Based on: Carter L.J., Wright R.M., Thomas R.E., Reeds J., Murphy L.A., Collier S.J., Evans O., Baktoft H. & Bolland J.D. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Evaluation of a fine-spaced angled rack with surface bypass in providing safe and timely downstream passage for salmon smolts and silver eels Based on: Tétard S., Courret D., Tissot L., Richard S., Lagarrigue T., Frey A., Mataix V., Mercier O. & Tomanova S. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Bypass discharge, approach velocities and bar spacing: the three key-parameters to efficiently protect silver eels with inclined racks Based on: Tomanova S., Tissot L., Tétard S., Richard S., Mercier O., Mataix V., Frey A., Lagarrigue T., Tedesco P.A. & Courret D. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Three‐dimensional migratory behaviour of European silver eels (Anguilla anguilla) approaching a hydropower plant Based on: Kjærås H., Baktoft H. & Silva A.T. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Density‐dependent growth, survival, and biomass production of stocked glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) in seminatural ponds Based on: Pedersen M.I., Rasmussen G. & Jepsen N. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
Do glass eels restocked in winter have a lower survival rate than glass eels restocked in spring? Based on: Simon J. (2023). Study Link |
2023 | |
EDITORIAL Creating testable questions in practical conservation: a process and 100 questions Based on: Sutherland W.J., Robinson J.M., Aldridge D.C., Alamenciak T., Armes M., Baranduin N., Bladon A.J., Breed M.F., Dyas N., Elphick C.S., Griffiths R.A., Hughes J., Middleton B., Littlewood N.A., Mitchell R., Morgan W.H., Mosley R., Petrovan S.O., Prendergast K., Ritchie E.G., Raven H., Smith R.K., Watts S.H. & Thornton A. (2022). Study Link |
2022 | |
Effectiveness of actions intended to achieve a voluntary transition from the use of lead to non-lead shotgun ammunition for hunting in Britain Based on: Green R.E., Taggart M.A., Pain D.J., Clark N.A., Clewley L., Cromie R., Dodd S.G., Elliot B., Green R.M.W., Huntley B., Huntley J., Pap S., Porter R., Robinson J.A., Sheldon R., Smith K.W., Smith L., Spencer J. & Stroud D. (2022). Study Link |
2022 | |
Artificial nesting platforms support population recovery of the Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus along the Danube River in Bulgaria Based on: Cheshmedzhiev S., Todorov E., Koev V., Mihov S. & Kutzarov Y. (2022). Study Link |
2022 | |
Effect of roost management on populations trends of Rhinolophus hipposideros and Rhinolophus ferrumequinum in Britain and Ireland Based on: Wright P.G.R., Kitching T., Hanniffy R., Bollo Palacios M., McAney K. & Schofield H. (2022). Study Link |
2022 | |
A small, heated roost facilitates nursery establishment and increases the size of a lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) colony in the northern Swiss Alps Based on: Zingg P.E., von Weissenfluh U. & Schaub M. (2022). Study Link |
2022 | |
Does provision of supplementary food to grey partridges Perdix perdix help their over-winter survival on upland hill farms in northern England? Based on: Warren P., Hornby T. & Baines D. (2022). Study Link |
2022 | |
Preferred gap structure within stone piles of fishing gear by Japanese eel Anguilla japonica at each life history stage: the search for an effective method to restore estuarine habitats ニホンウナギの各生活史段階における石倉カゴの浮石間隙構造への選好性 汽水域のハビタットの効果的な復元に向けて Based on: Oto Y., Sakanoue R., Hibino Y., Matsushige K., Utida K. & Mochioka N. (2022). Study Link |
2022 |
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