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8855 Studies found
8855 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
A pilot study on remediation of sediments enriched by oyster farming wastes using granulated coal ash Based on: Yamamoto T., Harada K., Kim K.H., Asaoka S. & Yoshioka I. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
In vitro asymbiotic germination of immature seed and formation of protocorm by Cephalanthera falcata (Orchidaceae) Based on: Yamazaki J. & Miyoshi K. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | |
An attempt to restore suitable conditions for demersal fishes and crustaceans in the Port of Sakai-Semboku, north Osaka Bay, Japan Based on: Yamochi S. & Oda K. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | |
Permeability of roads and railways to vertebrates: the importance of culverts Based on: Yanes M., Velasco J.M. & Suarez F. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | |
Effects of contrasting soil management regimes on total and labile soil organic carbon fractions in a loess soil in China Based on: Yang X., Ren W., Sun B. & Zhang S. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
The peatland area change in past 20 years in the Zoige Basin, eastern Tibetan Plateau Based on: Yao L., Zhao Y., Gao S., Sun J. & Li F. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | |
Local changes in community diversity after coral transplantation Based on: Yap H. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
Differential survival of coral transplants on various substrates under elevated water temperatures Based on: Yap H.T. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
Comparison of coral growth and survival under enclosed, semi-natural conditions and in the field Based on: Yap H.T. & Molina R.A. (2003). Study Link |
2003 | |
Physiological and ecological aspects of coral transplantation Based on: Yap H.T., Alvarez R.M., Custodio H.M. & Dizon R.M. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | |
Effects of black bear relocation on elk calf recruitment at Great Smoky Mountains National Park Based on: Yarkovich J., Clark J.D. & Murrow J.L. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | |
Evidence that vulture restaurants increase the local abundance of mammalian carnivores in South Africa Based on: Yarnell R.W., Phipps W.L., Dell S., MacTavish L.M. & Scott D.M. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
Benefits of marine protected areas for tropical coastal sharks Based on: Yates P.M., Tobin A.J., Heupel M.R. & Simpfendorfer C.A. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | |
Conservation versus conventional tillage on performance of three different crops Based on: Yau S.K., Sidahmed M. & Haidar M. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
Seasonal home range and habitat use of a critically endangered marsupial (Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi) inside and outside a predator-proof sanctuary Based on: Yeatman G.J. & Wayne A.F. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
Testing the effectiveness of an avian flight diverter for reducing avian collisions with distribution power lines in the Sacramento Valley, California: PIER Final Project Report Based on: Yee M.L. (2008) California Energy Commission report. Study Link |
2008 | |
Ecosystem level impacts of invasive Acacia saligna in the South African fynbos Based on: Yelenik S.G., Stock W.D. & Richardson D.M. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
The effects of agricultural lands management strategies for biodiversity recovery in Taroko National Park 太魯閣國家公園農地管理策略對生物多樣性恢復之效果 Based on: Yen S.C., Pan Y.C. & Wang L.H. (2018). Study Link |
2018 | |
Colony developmental patterns in different local populations of the Turkish bumble bee Bombus terrestris dalmatinus Based on: Yeninar H., Duchateau M.J., Kaftanoglu O. & Velthius H. (2000). Study Link |
2000 | |
Effects of grazing exclusion on rangeland vegetation and soils, east central Idaho Based on: Yeo J.J. (2005). Study Link |
2005 | |
Return rates and reproductive output of captive-reared female mallards Based on: Yerkes T. & Bluhm C. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | |
Mesh grids protect loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta nests from red fox Vulpes vulpes predation Based on: Yerli S., Canbolat A.F., Brown L.J. & Macdonald D.W. (1997). Study Link |
1997 | |
Factors affecting revegetation of Carex lacustris and Carex stricta from rhizomes Based on: Yetka L.A. & Galatowitsch S.M. (1999). Study Link |
1999 | |
Habitat use of field voles (Microtus agrestis) in wide and narrow buffer zones Based on: Yletyinen S. & Norrdahl K. (2008). Study Link |
2008 | |
Techniques used to increase nesting of Canada geese Based on: Yocom C.F. (1952). Study Link |
1952 |
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