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102 Studies found
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Study | Published | Actions | |
Restoration of salt-marsh vegetation in relation to site suitability, species pool and dispersal traits Based on: Wolters M., Garbutt A., Bekker R.M., Bakker J.P. & Carey P.D. (2008). Study Link |
2008 | 1 | |
Salt marsh restoration with sediment-slurry amendments following a drought-induced large-scale disturbance Based on: Schrift A.M., Mendelssohn I.A. & Materne M.D. (2008). Study Link |
2008 | 1 | |
Sediment input into a floating freshwater marsh: effects on soil properties, buoyancy, and plant biomass Based on: Carpenter K., Sasser C.E., Visser J.M. & DeLaune R.D. (2007). Study Link |
2007 | 1 | |
Reintroduction of salt marsh vegetation and phosphorus fertilisation improve plant colonisation on seawater-contaminated cutover bogs Based on: Emond C., Lapointe L., Hugron S. & Rochefort L. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | 6 | |
Wetland habitat development and long-term monitoring at Windmill Point, Virginia Based on: Landin M.C., Clairain E.J. & Newling C.J. (1989). Study Link |
1989 | 1 | |
Does managed coastal realignment create saltmarshes with ‘equivalent biological characteristics’ to natural reference sites? Based on: Mossman H.L., Davy A.J. & Grant A. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | 1 | |
Limited response of cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) to soil amendments in a constructed marsh Based on: Gibson K.D., Zedler J.B. & Langis R. (1994). Study Link |
1994 | 5 | |
Marsh community development in a central Florida phosphate surface-mined reclaimed wetland Based on: Erwin K.L. & Ronnie B.G. (1985). Study Link |
1985 | 3 | |
Restoration of salt marshes in the Netherlands Based on: Bakker J.P., Esselink P., Dijkema K.S., van Duin W.E. & de Jong D.J. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | 1 | |
Restoring assemblages of salt marsh halophytes in the presence of a rapidly colonizing dominant species Based on: Armitage A.R., Boyer K.E., Vance R.R. & Ambrose R.F. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 2 | |
What factors determined restoration success of a salt marsh ten years after de-embankment? Based on: Chang E.R., Veeneklaas R.M., Bakker J.P., Daniels P. & Esselink P. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | 2 | |
Long-term trends in vegetation dominance and infaunal community composition in created marshes Based on: Alphin T.D. & Posey M.H. (2000). Study Link |
2000 | 1 | |
Floristic development patterns in a restored Elk River estuarine marsh, Grays Harbor, Washington Based on: Thom R.M., Zeigler R. & Borde A.B. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | 1 | |
Rapid colonization of a human-made wetland by Mariana common moorhen on Guam Based on: Ritter M.W. & Sweet T.M. (1993). Study Link |
1993 | 4 | |
Comparisons of bird, aquatic macroinvertebrate, and plant communities among dredged ponds and natural wetland habitats at Long Point, Lake Erie, Ontario Based on: Schummer M.L., Palframan J., McNaughton E., Barney T. & Petrie S.A. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | 1 | |
Functional analysis of a two-year-old created in-stream wetland: hydrology, phosphorus retention, and vegetation survival and growth Based on: Niswander S.F. & Mitsch W.J. (1995). Study Link |
1995 | 3 | |
Northey Island, managed retreat scheme: Results of botanical monitoring 1991–1994 Based on: Dagley J.R. (1995) Natural England (English Nature) report, English Nature Research Report 128. Study Link |
1995 | 1 | |
Restoration of wet dune slacks on the Dutch Wadden Sea islands: recolonization after large-scale sod cutting Based on: Grootjans A.P., Everts H., Bruin K. & Fresco L. (2001). Study Link |
2001 | 3 | |
Spatial pattern and edge characteristics in restored terrace versus reference salt marshes in Galveston Bay Based on: Feagin R.A. & Wu X.B. (2006). Study Link |
2006 | 1 | |
Restoring marsh elevation in a rapidly subsiding salt marsh by thin-layer deposition of dredged material Based on: Ford M.A., Cahoon D.R. & Lynch J.C. (1999). Study Link |
1999 | 1 | |
Use of seagrass wrack in restoring disturbed Australian saltmarshes Based on: Chapman M.G. & Roberts D.E. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | 1 | |
Invasibility drives restoration of a floodplain plant community Based on: Toth L.A. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | 1 | |
Changes in wet meadow vegetation after 20 years of different management in a field experiment (north-west Germany) Based on: Poptcheva K., Schwartze P., Vogel A., Kleinebecker T. & Hölzel N. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | 3 | |
Predicting dispersal-limitation in plants: optimizing planting decisions for isolated wetland restoration in agricultural landscapes Based on: O’Connell J.L., Johnson L.A., Beas B.J., Smith L.M., McMurry S.T. & Haukos D.A. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | 3 | |
Vegetation response to re-flooding in the Mesopotamian Wetlands, southern Iraq Based on: Hamdan M.A., Asada T., Hassan F.M., Warner B.G., Douabul A., Al-Hilli M.R.A. & Alwan A.A. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | 1 |
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