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17 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
An attempt to restore suitable conditions for demersal fishes and crustaceans in the Port of Sakai-Semboku, north Osaka Bay, Japan Based on: Yamochi S. & Oda K. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | |
Community convergence and recruitment of keystone species as performance indicators of artificial reefs Based on: Fariñas-Franco J.M., Allcock L., Smyth D. & Roberts D. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Community-based, low-tech method of restoring a lost thicket of Acropora corals Based on: dela Cruz D.W., Villanueva R.D. & Baria M.V.B. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Early faunal successional patterns in artificial reefs used for restoration of impacted biogenic habitats Based on: Fariñas-Franco J.M. & Roberts D. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Effects of common seagrass restoration methods on ecosystem structure in subtropical seagrass meadows Based on: Bourque A.S. & Fourqurean J.W. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Fisheries enhancement and biodiversity assessment of fish, prawn and mud crab in Chilika lagoon through hydrological intervention Based on: Mohapatra A., Mohanty R.K., Mohanty S.K., Bhatta K.S. & Das N.R. (2007). Study Link |
2007 | |
Fishery resource utilization of a restored estuarine borrow pit: A beneficial use of dredged material case study Based on: Reine K., Clarke D., Ray G. & Dickerson C. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Local changes in community diversity after coral transplantation Based on: Yap H. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
Molluscan community recovery following partial tidal restoration of a New England estuary, U.S.A. Based on: Thelen B.A. & Thiet R.K. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
Molluscan community recovery in a New England back-barrier salt marsh lagoon 10 years after partial restoration Based on: Thiet R.K., Kidd E., Wennemer J.M. & Smith S.M. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Nitrogen loading alters seagrass ecosystem structure and support of higher trophic levels Based on: Deegan L.A., Wright A., Ayvazian S.G., Finn J.T., Golden H., Merson R.R. & Harrison J. (2002). Study Link |
2002 | |
Oyster reef restoration in the northern Gulf of Mexico: effect of artificial substrate and age on nekton and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage use Based on: Brown L.A., Furlong J.N., Brown K.M. & La P.M.K. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Oyster reef restoration: effect of alternative substrates on oyster recruitment and nekton habitat use Based on: George L.M., De S.K., Palmer T.A. & Beseres P.J. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
Oyster reef restoration: substrate suitability may depend on specific restoration goals Based on: Graham P.M., Palmer T.A. & Beseres P.J. (2017). Study Link |
2017 | |
Restoration of native oysters in a highly invaded estuary Based on: Zabin C.J., Wasson K. & Fork S. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | |
Role of the source community for the recovery of seagrass associated meiofauna: a field colonisation experiment with seagrass mimics in Diani Beach, Kenya Based on: Daudi L., Uku J. & De T.M. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
The cost and feasibility of marine coastal restoration Based on: Bayraktarov E., Saunders M.I., Abdullah S., Mills M., Beher J., Possingham H.P., Mumby P.J. & Lovelock C.E. (2016). Study Link |
2016 |
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