An individual study is a summary of a specific scientific study, providing background context, the conservation action(s) taken and their consequences.
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47 Studies found
47 Studies found
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Study | Published | |
Impact of restoration measures on the raised bog habitats in Rožu, Aklais and Aizkraulke Mire Based on: Priede A. (2013) University of Latvia, 192-197. Study Link |
2013 | |
Impact of groundwater level rise on vegetation in Melnais Lake Mire Nature Reserve: first results Based on: Auniņa L. (2013) University of Latvia, 197-203. Study Link |
2013 | |
Impact of drainage and hydrological restoration on vegetation structure in boreal spruce swamp forests Based on: Maanavilja L., Aapala K., Haapalehto T., Kotiaho J.S. & Tuittila E.-S. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Forest restoration in abandoned agricultural land: a case study from East Africa Based on: Chapman C.A. & Chapman L.J. (1999). Study Link |
1999 | |
Evaluation of impacts of management in an anthropogenic peatland using field and remote sensing data Based on: Cabezas J., Galleguillos M., Valdés A., Fuentes J.P., Pérez C. & Perez-Quezada J.F. (2015). Study Link |
2015 | |
Effects of community-level grassland management on the non-target rare annual Agalinis auriculata Based on: Vitt P., Havens K., Kendall B.E. & Knight T.M. (2009). Study Link |
2009 | |
Effects of a hydrological protection zone on the restoration of a raised bog: a case study from Northeast-Germany Based on: Bönsel A. & Sonneck A.-G. (2011). Study Link |
2011 | |
Ecosystem service restoration after 10 years of rewetting peatlands in NE Germany Based on: Zerbe S., Steffenhagen P., Parakenings K., Timmermann T., Frick A., Gelbrecht J. & Zak D. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Do testate amoebae communities recover in concordance with vegetation after restoration of drained peatlands? Based on: Daza Secco E., Haapalehto T., Haimi J., Meissner K. & Tahvanainen T. (2016). Study Link |
2016 | |
Do high iron concentrations in rewetted rich fens hamper restoration? Based on: Aggenbach C.J.S., Backx H., Emsens W.J., Grootjans A.P., Lamers L.P.M., Smolders A.J.P., Stuyfzand P.J., Wołejko L. & Van Diggelen R. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Direct seeding of native trees and shrubs in low rainfall areas and on non-wetting sands in South Australia Based on: Knight A.J.P., Beale P.E. & Dalton G. S. (1998). Study Link |
1998 | |
Development of ombrotrophic raised bogs in north-east Germany 17 years after the adoption of a protective program Based on: Bönsel A. & Sonneck A.-G. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Creation of 'island' habitats in farmland to manipulate populations of beneficial arthropods: predator densities and emigration Based on: Thomas M.B., Wratten S.D. & Sotherton N.W. (1991). Study Link |
1991 | |
Comparison of vegetation and CO2 dynamics between a restored cut-away peatland and a pristine fen: evaluation of the restoration success Based on: Soini P., Riutta T., Yli-Petäys M. & Vasander H. (2010). Study Link |
2010 | |
Changes in vegetation in the former peat milling fields after hydrological restoration in Lielais Ķemeri Mire Based on: Priede A. (2013) University of Latvia, 207-216. Study Link |
2013 | |
Changes in two high altitude blanket bogs after the cessation of sheep grazing Based on: Rawes M. (1983). Study Link |
1983 | |
Changes in the breeding bird population of a small clay river following flood alleviation works Based on: Raven P. (1986). Study Link |
1986 | |
Can restoration of afforested peatland regulate pests and disease? Based on: Gilbert L. (2013). Study Link |
2013 | |
Changes in vegetation after restoration of Belate peatland (Navarra) observed through diachronic cartography Cambios de la vegetación tras la restauración de la turbera de Belate (Navarra) observados mediante cartografía diacrónica Based on: Peralta de Andrés J., Heras Pérez P., Infante Sánchez M. & Berastegi Gartziandia A. (2015) Universidad de Zaragoza, 1823-1831. Study Link |
2015 | |
Botanical data analysis 2013 Based on: Glendinning A. & Hand A. (2014) Exmoor Mires Partnership report. Study Link |
2014 | |
Are currently recommended herbicides effective for control of ragwort (Senecio) species? CEE Review 04-003 Based on: Roberts P.D. & Pullin A.S. (2004). Study Link |
2004 | |
A functional trait approach to fen restoration analysis Based on: Hedberg P., Saetre P., Sundberg S., Rydin H. & Kotowski W. (2013). Study Link |
2013 |
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