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An individual study is a summary of a specific scientific study, providing background context, the conservation action(s) taken and their consequences.
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e.g. "frogs chytrid"
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Study | Published | |
Assessing initial reintroduction success in long-lived primates by quantifying survival, reproduction, and dispersal parameters: western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in Congo and Gabon Based on: King T., Chamberlan C. & Courage A. (2012). Study Link |
2012 | |
Community-based development as a conservation tool: The Community Baboon Sanctuary and the Gales Point, Manatee project. Based on: Horwich R.H. & Lyon J. (1998) Island Press, . Study Link |
1998 | |
Conservation efforts at the Tana River Primate Reserve, Kenya Based on: Else J.G. (1987). Study Link |
1987 | |
Field report on the Hainan gibbon Based on: Zhenhe L., Haisheng J., Yongzu Z., Yanhua L., Tigon C., Manry D. & Southwick C. (1987). Study Link |
1987 | |
Losses and reproduction of reintroduced golden lion tamarins Leontopithecus rosalia. Based on: Beck B., Dietz J., Castro L., Carvelho C., Martins A. & Rettberg-Beck B. (1991). Study Link |
1991 | |
Primates living outside protect4ed habitats are more stressed: the case of black howler monkeys in the Yucatán Peninsula Based on: Rangel-Negrín A., Coyohua-Fuentes A., Chavira R., Canales-Espinosa D. & Dias P.A.D. (2014). Study Link |
2014 | |
Report from the Zaire Gorilla Conservation Project Based on: Aveling R. & Aveling C. (1987). Study Link |
1987 | |
The conservation biology framework of the release of wild-born orphaned chimpanzees into the Conkouati Reserve, Congo Based on: Tutin C.E.G., Ancrenaz M., Paredes J., Vacher-Vallas M., Vidal C., Goossens B., Bruford M.W. & Jamart A. (2001). Study Link |
2001 | |
The status of primates in China Based on: Bangjie T. (1985). Study Link |
1985 |
0 selected |
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An individual study is a summary of a specific scientific study, usually taken from a scientific journal, but also from other resources such as reports. It tells you the background context, the action(s) taken and their consequences.
If you want more detail please look at the original reference.
Each action page focuses on a particular action you could take to benefit wildlife or ecosystems.
It contains brief (150-200 word) descriptions of relevant studies (context, action(s) taken and their consequences) and one or more key messages.
Key messages show the extent and main conclusions of the available evidence. Using links within key messages, you can look at the paragraphs describing each study to get more detail. Each paragraph allows you to assess the quality of the evidence and how relevant it is to your situation.
Where we found no evidence, we have been unable to assess whether or not an intervention is effective or has any harmful impacts.
What Works in Conservation provides expert assessments of the effectiveness of actions, based on summarised evidence, in synopses. Subjects covered so far include amphibians, birds, mammals, forests, peatland and control of freshwater invasive species. More are in progress.
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