About Synopses

What is a synopsis?

A synopsis of evidence reviews the effectiveness of all the possible actions you could take to conserve a given species group or habitat or to tackle a particular conservation issue. 

See all synopses.

For each action, a synopsis brings together the available scientific evidence with short summaries that are quick and easy to read. For each piece of evidence it describes the background context, action taken and consequences, with references and links to more information on our website.

Each synopsis is developed in partnership with an international advisory board of conservationists and researchers who specialise in that area.

For more information about the methods used for these synopses please see the methods and protocols, and for evidence sources see here for all sources or the catalogue of journals searched: by synopsis.

As well as the completed synopses, a number of global conservation synopses are currently being produced (see protocols). Additional topics are also being added to the synopsis on the control of invasive species. We are also currently updating the synopsis on the conservation of birds.


Here is a short animation about one of the synopses: Enhancing the Biodiversity of Marine Artificial Structures. 

What Works 2021 cover

What Works in Conservation

What Works in Conservation provides expert assessments of the effectiveness of actions, based on summarised evidence, in synopses. Subjects covered so far include amphibians, birds, mammals, forests, peatland and control of freshwater invasive species. More are in progress.

More about What Works in Conservation

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The Conservation Evidence Journal

The Conservation Evidence Journal

An online, free to publish in, open-access journal publishing results from research and projects that test the effectiveness of conservation actions.

Read the latest volume: Volume 22

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Meet some of the Evidence Champions

Endangered Landscape ProgrammeRed List Champion - Arc Kent Wildlife Trust The Rufford Foundation Mauritian Wildlife Supporting Conservation Leaders
Sustainability Dashboard National Biodiversity Network Frog Life The international journey of Conservation - Oryx Cool Farm Alliance UNEP AWFA Bat Conservation InternationalPeople trust for endangered species Vincet Wildlife Trust