Numerous conservation-focused journals are requesting that authors outline how they have placed the literature in context (e.g. by searching Conservation Evidence) by incorporating this in the submission process or in instructions to authors. Asking authors who have tested interventions to explain how they have placed their paper in context will help ensure conservation science reduces the perils of cherry picking scientific evidence and will improve the design of future work. It will not provide a complete remedy to bias in conservation articles. Ideally, the impact of this measure will grow as the evidence base grows, so that we can have the extended vision that comes from standing on the shoulders of giants rather than the limited vision from standing on their toes. Read the manuscript behind this initiative authored by 40 journal editors at Conservation Biology
Below are listed the journals requesting the information:
- Acta Herpetologica
- Animal Conservation (tbc)
- Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
- Avian Conservation and Ecology
- Avocetta - Journal of Ornithology
- Biodiversity Science (tbc)
- Biodiversity and Conservation
- Biotropica (tbc)
- Bird Conservation International
- Conservation Biology (in progress 2024)
- Conservation Evidence
- Conservation Physiology (in progress 2024)
- Conservation Science and Practice
- Conservation Land Management
- Ecological Solutions and Evidence (in progress 2024)
- Ecology and Evolution (in progress 2024)
- Ecosystems and People
- Emu - Austral Ornithology
- Endangered Species Research
- European Journal of Wildlife Research
- Global Ecology and Conservation (in progress 2024)
- Ibis
- Journal of Applied Ecology
- Journal of Insect Conservation
- Journal for Nature Conservation (tbc)
- Journal of Threatened Taxa
- Mires and Peat
- Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research (tbc)
- Oryx
- Pacific Conservation Biology
- Restoration Ecology (in progress 2024)
- Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia- Research in Ornithology
- Therya (tbc)
- Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity (tbc)
- Tropical Conservation Science
- Wildfowl