Provide supplementary food for pigeons to increase adult survival
Overall effectiveness category Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence)
Number of studies: 2
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A study in mixed forests on Mauritius between July 1987 and June 1992 (Jones et al. 1992) found that, of 42 captive-bred pink pigeons Nesoenas mayeri (formerly Columba mayeri) released, 16 visited feeders and spent an average of 20.5 mins/day feeding. However, when food provision stopped, only two birds were seen visiting the feeder, suggesting that they could survive without it. Non-native birds also used the feeder but they did not exclude pigeons. Food consisted of mixture of maize, wheat, canary seed, millet, lentils, and occasionally peas and other seeds provided from a hopper outside the release aviary and was provided from June until December 1987. The amount provided was then reduced and the finally stopped, until more pigeons were released in June 1988 and continued until at least 1992. This study is also discussed in ‘Use captive breeding to increase or maintain populations’, ‘Release captive bred individuals’, ‘Provide supplementary food after release’ and ‘Predator control on islands’.
Study and other actions testedA study of restored pink pigeon Nesoenas mayeri (formerly Columba mayeri) populations in two forest sites on Mauritius, in April to June 2005 (Edmunds et al. 2008) found that 99% of the 195 birds studied visited supplementary feeders. More birds appeared to use feeders outside rather than inside release aviaries, although this was not tested statistically. Younger birds used the feeders more frequently older birds but there was no difference in use between nesting and non-nesting birds and feeding stations did not appear to influence the position of breeding territories. Supplementary food consisted of wheat provided from hoppers, protected from rats by being placed on platforms with plastic sheeting around the supporting post.
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This Action forms part of the Action Synopsis:
Bird Conservation
Bird Conservation - Published 2013
Bird Synopsis