Create or restore backwater habitats
Overall effectiveness category Evidence not assessed
Number of studies: 1
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A controlled, before-and-after study in 2009–2014 in a stream in Norfolk, UK (Champkin et al. 2018) found that creating backwater habitats, along with removing embankments and restoring meanders, resulted in a decrease in European eel Anguilla anguilla numbers, whilst no change was observed at an unrestored site. Average numbers of European eels were lower after stream restoration work was carried out (27 eels) than before (75 eels). There was no significant difference in average eel numbers at an unrestored site over the same time period (‘before’: 35 eels; ‘after’: 12 eels). In 2009–2010, a 370-m long section of chalk stream was restored by creating six backwater habitats (3–18 m long) from the former channel (August 2010), removing flood embankments (0.4–1-m high; March 2009) and restoring meanders. Small patches of locally-sourced reed sweet-grass Glyceria maxima were planted to stabilize the meanders. A 160-m long section located upstream was left unrestored and used as a comparison. Eels were sampled at the restored and unrestored sites on consecutive days during electrofishing surveys on three occasions before (2009) and four occasions after (2011–2014) restoration.
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This Action forms part of the Action Synopsis:
Eel Conservation in Inland Habitats