Establish private coral reef management
Overall effectiveness category Awaiting assessment
Number of studies: 2
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A site comparison study in 2000–2007 at three protected areas that prohibited all fishing and extractive activities in Malaysia and the Philippines (Teh et al. 2008) reported that privately managed areas had higher hard coral cover than a collaborative- and government-managed area. Results were not rested for statistical significance. Hard coral cover was 42% in the privately managed area, 26% in the collaboratively managed area and 23% in the government managed area. Cover by other species, including soft coral and algae, was 7% (private), 4% (collaborative) and 35% (government). Collaborative management involved the government appointing an organisation to take partial or complete responsibility for managing the area. Authors reported data from one privately managed area (established: 2001, surveyed: 2007), one collaboratively managed area (established: 1988, surveyed: 2000) and one government managed area (established: 1985, surveyed: 2005). In the privately managed area, coral cover was recorded along 20 × 5 m transects (number of transects not reported). Survey methods for other areas are not reported. Costs: Private management cost $3/ha of protected area. Cost included wages and salary (34%), administration (7%), depreciation (23%), sublease (12%), education and information (7%) and operational costs (17%). The area generated revenue of $5.70/visitor/night, and in 2006 revenues were $1.47/ha.
Study and other actions testedA replicated, site comparison study in 2014 at nine coral reef sites in Sanya Bay, Hainan, China (Huang et al. 2017) found that privately managed areas had similar coral cover to protected areas managed by the government but lower cover than unprotected, unmanaged areas. Coral cover was similar in privately managed protected areas (10%), privately managed unprotected areas (8%), and government-managed protected areas (10%), but lower than in unprotected areas without private management (36%). In addition, fishing restrictions were well enforced in privately managed sites, but enforcement was lacking in protected areas without private management (see paper for details). In 2014, nine sites were selected that varied in management (privately managed or not) and protection status (protected vs unprotected). Privately managed areas were managed by three different companies for tourism (including diving, snorkelling, and other water sports) and protected areas were established in 1990. At each site, three 50 m transects were surveyed at each of two depths (2–3 m and 6–8 m), with photographs taken 25 times along each transect using evenly spaced quadrats (50 × 50 cm).
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This Action forms part of the Action Synopsis:
Coral Conservation
Coral Conservation - Published 2024
Coral synopsis