Release captive-bred reptiles into the wild: Tuatara
Overall effectiveness category Awaiting assessment
Number of studies: 2
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A review of worldwide reptile translocation projects during 1991–2006 (Germano & Bishop 2009) found that a third of the projects, that included some releases of captive-bred animals, were considered successful with substantial recruitment to the adult population. Of the 47 translocation projects reviewed (39 species), 32% were successful, 28% failed and long-term success was uncertain for the remaining 40%. Projects that translocated animals due to human-wildlife conflicts failed more often (63% of 8 projects) than those for conservation purposes (15% of 38) and those for research purposes (50% of 5). Success was independent of the life-stage translocated/released, number of animals released and geographic region (see paper for details). Releases of captive-bred animals made up 7% of the projects, and individuals involved were adults in 75% of cases, juveniles and sub-adults in 64% of cases and eggs in 4% of cases. The most common reported cause of failure was homing and migration with the second most common reported cause being insufficient numbers, human collection and food/nutrient limitation all equally reported. Success was defined as evidence of substantial recruitment to the adult population during monitoring over a period at least as long as it takes the species to reach maturity.
Study and other actions testedA study in 2012–2013 in regenerating temperate forest in South Island, New Zealand (Jarvie et al. 2015) found that most released captive-reared tuatara Sphenodon punctatus survived at least 9 months after being released into a predator-free fenced enclosure with artificial burrows. After 3–5 months, all tuatara captive-reared locally (100%) and almost all tuatara captive-reared to the north of the release site (96%) survived. After 9–11 months, survival rates of tuatara reared north of the release site (70%) were higher than and locally-reared and released tuatara (67%, results were not statistically tested). Growth rates of locally-reared tuatara (0.05 mm/day) were faster than those reared away from the release site (0.04 mm/day). Changes in body condition, post-release dispersal and home range sizes were similar between locally-reared and distant-reared tuatara (see original paper for details). Juvenile tuatara (41 individuals) originating from the same wild population were released into a reserve in November–December 2012: captive-reared locally to the release site (13 individuals), and captive-reared 480 km north of the release site in a warmer climate (28 individuals). Captive-reared tuatara were hatched from artificially incubated eggs and reared until 4–6 years old. The reserve was surrounded by predator-resistant fencing and mammalian predators were mostly eradicated by 2008. Artificial burrows were buried in the release area. Tuatara were monitored by radio-tracking for 5 months (6 locally-reared, 10 north-reared individuals) and recapture surveys (all tuatara were PIT tagged) for up to 27 months after release.
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This Action forms part of the Action Synopsis:
Reptile Conservation
Reptile Conservation - Published 2021
Reptile synopsis