Use erosion blankets/mats to aid plant establishment
Overall effectiveness category Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence)
Number of studies: 2
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A replicated, randomized, controlled study in 2008–2009 in sagebrush scrub shrubland that had been burnt in wildfires in California, USA (McCullough & Endress 2012) found that using an erosion control blanket did not increase the number of shrubs, or forb cover and did not reduce the cover of non-native forbs and grasses, but did increase the height of California sagebrush Artemisia californica and common deerweed Lotus scoparius. After one year, both California sagebrush (47 cm) and common deerweed (57 cm) were taller in areas where erosion control blankets had been laid than in areas where they had not (California sagebrush: 33 cm; common deerweed: 48 cm). In January 2008 a straw-based erosion control blanket was laid in four 8 m x 20 m plots, while in four other plots no blanket was laid. In July 2009 vegetation was surveyed by placing three 20 m transects in each plot and vegetation recorded every 1 m.
Study and other actions testedA controlled study in 2010 in an arid shrubland in Xin-jiang, China (Liu et al. 2013) found that stabilizing sand using reed mats and then planting native shrubs increased plant cover, biomass and plant species diversity. Areas where sand had been stabilized had higher plant cover (28% cover) than areas that had not been stabilized (17% cover). The same pattern was true for biomass (stabilized: 121 g/m2, unstabilized: 87 g/m2) and plant species diversity (data presented as model results). Sand was stabilized by placing reed cuttings in a checkerboard pattern. Native shrubs were then planted where reed cuttings were placed. In 2010 ten 100 m2 plots were used to sample areas that had been stabilized and eleven 100 m2 were used to sample areas that had not.
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This Action forms part of the Action Synopsis:
Shrubland and Heathland Conservation
Shrubland and Heathland Conservation - Published 2017
Shrubland and Heathland synopsis